知名鋼琴家一 宋天博士&宋天音乐教育
“她微妙的表现力令人印象深刻……无懈可击的节奏,令人钦佩的手指工作,以及极大的兴奋……“ —–纽约音乐会回顾
曾获《纽约音乐会评论》称赞的宋天 博士是曼哈顿音乐学院钢琴演奏音乐艺术博士学位的获得者,曾多次获得钢琴比赛的冠军。除了在美国和国外的卡内基音乐厅、施坦威音乐厅、雅马哈艺术家和其他场所的许多独奏表演外,宋天博士她还与曼哈顿音乐学院爱乐乐团和红木城交响乐团合作。她的老师包括康斯坦斯·基恩(Constance Keene),艾比·西蒙(Abbey Simon)和菲利普·卡温(Phillip Kawin)。宋天博士既是表演者又是教育家,他创立了宋天 音乐艺术学院,这是一所为青少年提供专业音乐教育的私立音乐学校。她的学生在国内和国际钢琴比赛中竞争并获得了无数奖项,其中包括西雅图国际钢琴比赛的金牌和观众最喜爱的奖,纽约州音乐教师协会全国钢琴比赛的第一名,音乐教师全国协会帝国州钢琴比赛的第一名,国际青年艺术家钢琴比赛的第一名, Buono和Bradshaw国际钢琴比赛第一名,评委特色奖和美国Protégé国际音乐才艺比赛第一名,美国Protégé国际钢琴和弦乐比赛最佳表演奖和第一名,美国Protégé国际浪漫主义音乐比赛第一名,美国Protégé国际协奏曲比赛第一名, 美国美术节浪漫主义音乐黄金时代国际钢琴比赛第一名,美国美术节国际协奏曲比赛第一名,纽约音乐比赛第一名,哈扎尔·加扎里亚n 斯卡格斯奖和钢琴教师大会钢琴比赛第一名、特别青年音乐家奖、绝对奖第一名和国际钢琴大演奏家比赛第一名、金经典钢琴比赛第一名、伊萨卡学院钢琴协奏曲比赛第一名、纽约音乐比赛第一名、纽约音乐教师协会优胜者音乐会选拔赛第一名, 美国天才青年音乐家发展协会钢琴比赛金奖,哈特福德肖邦国际钢琴比赛第二名,美国青少年才艺表演银牌,纽约国际音乐比赛第三名,国际贝森朵夫和雅马哈钢琴比赛决赛选手,国际钢琴电子比赛半决赛选手, 考夫曼国际青年钢琴比赛半决赛选手,以及许多其他著名比赛的半决赛选手。作为这些比赛的获胜者,宋天博士的学生被纽约华视网、世界日报、星岛日报、布鲁克林日报、侨报、凤凰新闻、中国青年报、贵阳日报等多家新闻媒体报道。她的学生曾受邀在美国国务院、卡内基音乐厅艾萨克·斯特恩礼堂、卡内基音乐厅威尔音乐厅、肯尼迪中心、伦敦皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅、奥地利莫扎特音乐厅、俄罗斯科斯特罗马爱乐音乐厅、德国舒曼博物馆、西雅图贝纳罗亚音乐厅、施坦威音乐厅、雅马哈艺术家、皇后剧院、 茱莉亚音乐学院、曼哈顿音乐学院、罗切斯特大学、伦敦大学学院、皇后学院、布鲁克林学院、华视电视台、纽约交响乐空间、巴尔的摩安迪音乐等著名场所。宋天博士的学生曾与纽约国际室内乐团合作,在卡内基音乐厅演奏贝多芬第二钢琴协奏曲,并在俄罗斯科斯特罗马爱乐音乐厅与科斯特罗马交响乐团合作演奏贝多芬第五钢琴协奏曲,在伊萨卡学院福特音乐厅与伊萨卡学院交响乐团合作。除了赢得比赛外,宋天博士的学生还被茱莉亚音乐学院预科部、曼哈顿音乐学院预科部和学院部、考夫曼特殊音乐学校和纽约青年交响乐室内乐项目录取。宋天博士她曾受邀担任多届比赛的评委。
宋天博士&宋天音樂教育學院 學生受邀參加2024大型网絡元旦&春節聯歡晚會. 給北美及全球的观众帶來了精彩的鋼琴演奏.
“Her subtle expressiveness was impressive…Infallible rhythm, admirably even finger work, and a great deal of excitement…” —–New York Concert Review
Praised by the New York Concert Review, Dr. Tian Song, a recipient of the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Piano Performance from Manhattan School of Music, has been the winner of many piano competitions. In addition to many of her solo performances at Carnegie Hall, Steinway Hall, Yamaha Artist, and other venues, in both the States and abroad, she has collaborated with Manhattan School of Music Philharmonic and Redwood City Symphony Orchestra. Her teachers include Constance Keene, Abbey Simon, and Phillip Kawin. Both a performer and pedagogue, Dr. Tian Song founded Tian Song Musical Arts, a private music school that provides professional music education for youths. Her students have competed and won numerous awards in both national and international piano competitions, which include gold medals and Audience Most Favorite Award in the Seattle International Piano Competition, first place in the Music Teacher National Association New York State Piano Competition, first place in the Music Teacher National Association Empire State Piano Competition, first place in the International Young Artist Piano Competition, first place in the Buono and Bradshaw International Piano Competition, the Judge’s Distinctive Award and first place in the American Protégé International Music Talent Competition, Best Performance Award and first place in the American Protégé International Piano and Strings Competition, first place in the American Protégé International Romantic Music Competition, first place in the American Protégé International Concerto Competition, first place in the American Fine Arts Festival Golden Era of Romantic Music International Piano Competition, first place in the American Fine Arts Festival International Concerto Competition, first place in the New York Music Competition, Hazal Ghazarian Skaggs Award and first place in the Piano Teachers Congress Piano Competition, Special Young Musician Award, First Absolute Prize and first place in the Grand Virtuoso International Piano Competition, first place in the Golden Classic Piano Competition, first place in the Ithaca College Piano Concerto Competition, first place in the New York Music Competition, first place in the New York Music Teacher Association Winners Concert Audition, gold medals in the American Association for the Development of the Gifted and Talented Young Musicians Piano Competition, second place in the Chopin International Piano Competition in Hartford, silver medals in the American Teen’s Talent Show, third place in the New York International Music Competition, finalist of the International Bösendorfer and Yamaha Piano Competition, semi-finalist of the International Piano-e-Competition, semi-finalist of the Kaufman International Youth Piano Competition, and many other prominent competitions. As the winners of these competitions, Dr. Song’s students have been featured on Sinovision New York, World Journal Newspaper, Xing Tao Daily, Brooklyn Daily, Qiao Newspaper, Phoenix News, China Youth Newspaper, Guiyang Daily and many other news outlets. Her students have been invited to perform in the U.S. Department of State, Isaac Stern Auditorium at Carnegie Hall, Weill Hall at Carnegie Hall, J. F. Kennedy Center, Royal Albert Hall in London, Mozart Concert Hall in Austria, Kostroma Philharmonic Hall in Russia, Schumann Museum in Germany, Benaroya Hall in Seattle, Steinway Hall, Yamaha Artist, Queens Theatre, The Juilliard School, Manhattan School of Music, University of Rochester, lthaca College, Queens College, Brooklyn College, Sinovision TV Station, Symphony Space in New York, An die Music in Baltimore, and other renowned venues. Dr. Song’s students have collaborated with New York International Chamber Orchestra performing Beethoven Second Piano Concerto at Carnegie Hall, and performing Beethoven’s Fifth Piano Concerto with Kostroma Symphony Orchestra at Kostroma Philharmonic Hall in Russia and Ithaca College Symphony Orchestra at Ithaca College Ford Hall. In addition to winning competitions, Dr. Song’s students have been accepted by The Juilliard School Pre-College Division, Manhattan School of Music Pre-College Division and College Division, Kaufman Special Music School, and New York Youth Symphony Chamber Music Program. She has been invited to serve as a judge in many competitions.
9/15 紐約环宇杯才艺比赛精彩图片集锦:Video link/https://youtu.be/Qv8rbWELH-Y///https://youtu.be/Qv8rbWELH-Y
9/15 紐約 比赛地址:132-41 ( 41-70 Main Street ) /41 St . (缅街入口 Main street )Flushing NY 11355.(活动中心 /法拉盛 41街)
Tonerow 于 2015 年在美国纽约创立,旨为全球音乐人才提供世界级古典音乐学习和展示的平台。我们拥有全球顶尖音乐学院的资深教育家和音乐表演大师,结合互联网科技重新定义古典音乐教学。成立两年多来,Tonerow一直秉承“打造全球化在线音乐学院”的理念,为美国音乐专业学生提供优质稳定的音乐教学平台。我们搭建了一个可视化交互的在线音乐课堂,运用独家核心技术构造完美的线上音乐教学环境,给身处不同城市的师生提供超凡教学体验。老师和学生可以在不同时区,不同地点通过我们的系统学习沟通,学生亦可以通过我们特制的个人主页展示自己的学习历程、积累经验,在成为艺术家的道路上得到最好的支持。
本期 《琴访》 直播内容
- 音乐学生如何做好自己的规划?
- 读音乐专业可以做什么工作?
- 如何考入美国著名音乐学院?
- 中美的长笛教育有哪些不同?
- 我是如何成功留美就业的?
- 对初学长笛的人,有哪些建议?
- 在纽约教音乐,有哪些有趣的事儿?
《Sight 》著名眼科医生 王明旭博士(哈佛&MIT医学博士)参加国际标准舞蹈比赛 获奖视频
https://youtu.be/bFflvBzWv98 /“Sight”作为美国华人第一代移民故事在美国主流媒介的破冰之旅, 应奥斯卡金像奖委员会邀请在5/25日在Academy of Motion Pictures内部预演”Sight”并被interview(王明旭,Jeanni Yi), 在China Institute 和荆羽西,谭盾在一起/Video link
https://youtu.be/GwlraX0AAlk. watch link :
To see “Sight” online:
“Sight” 已全面进入streaming了($12,angel.com/sight)! 以下是华人第一代移民故事在美国主流媒介的破冰之旅的最后的5个北美的影院
1. Visit angel.com/sight (VERY IMPORTANT, please make sure to use “angel.com/sight”, NOT just “angel.com”);Guild membership!
一个有目标的人生(A purpose-driven life): https://www.drmingwang.com/in-the-media/videos/video/dr-ming-wang-the-journey-to-sight-jubao.html
2024大型庆中秋节联欢晚会9/29 纽约 法拉盛市政厅 举行 欢迎广告商. 赞助商加盟. www.GHYTV.com
世界鹅王纽约演唱会 《敖包相会》表演者梁天明 伴奏 鹅王 章祥福
一城山水– 著名歌手 張可儿 (新一代甜歌女神)
世界单身 婚戀交友活動 ( Global Single Group Activity ) 8/25. 每月底定期活动 http://Video link https://youtu.be/RCS0yCyHOuE詳細聯絡7323316189/9177052606. 世界单身聯谊會Global Single Group 注冊 www.gsg365.com 办公: 3370 prince street Flushing NY 11354.
著名歌手 蒋姗倍 原创作品《红尘情歌》原唱金曲奖 红遍大江南北: