NY Dance Studio

Fall discounts available
Adult classes 10-15% off for the fall. Unlimited classes $48 for the whole month. For more information contact Rudanceny at 718.358.3903
RuDanceNY Dance School 法拉盛舞蹈学校 inherits the spirit of “art, health and value” as our school motto and “dancing refines your soul; dancing exercises your body; dancing builds your life” as our philosophy. Our school is located in Flushing, Queens, New York, with a total area of 6000 square feet. Our dancing facilities are on par with international levels, and our instructors are professionally skilled, coming from both America and China. Our school also provides the most up-to-fashion and professional dance equipments. Our school offers a variety of dance lessons, including: Cha Cha, Rumba, Samba, Jive, Pasodoble, Salsa, Tango, Fox trot, Quick Step, Waltz, Merengue, Mambo, Bolero, Swing, Ballet, Hip Hop, and Yoga, etc. In accordance with the student’s skill level, we offer classes at Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Performance, and Competition levels. We also offer private lessons, with our dance instructors teaching students one on one. RU Ballroom Dance School uses teaching “the art of dancing” as our core thinking, and at the same time sets up world level dance cultural exchanges and professional dance performances. We undertake all sorts of dance competitions, hosting a variety of cultural exchanging events and parties.
纽约茹宝舞蹈艺术学校成立于2004年,学校秉承”艺术、健康、价值”的办学宗旨和”舞蹈艺术陶冶情操、舞蹈艺术美化体态、舞蹈艺术塑造人生”的办学理念,在美国纽约成为一所高品质的法拉盛舞蹈学校, 培养出许多优秀的舞蹈艺术人才。 学校位于美国纽约市皇后区法拉盛,总面积约5000平方英尺, 满足英语、国语双语教学并提供国际最流行、最专业的舞蹈学校开设多种舞蹈课程,包括有:LATIN、CHA CHA、RUMBA 、SAMBA、JIVE、PASO DOBLE 、SALSA、TANGO、WALTZ、FOX TROT、QUICK STEP、BALLET、HIP HOP、YOGA 等舞蹈班。根据学生舞蹈水平的不同设立初、中、高及专业班,开设私教班,由专业舞蹈老师一对一的舞蹈教学。学校有面向少儿、成人不同年龄段的教学课程。让所有热爱舞蹈的人都能享受到舞蹈艺术到法拉盛舞蹈学校。 茹宝舞蹈艺术法拉盛舞蹈学校以”舞蹈艺术”教育为学校的核心,同时开办国际性的舞蹈艺术交流,专业的舞蹈艺术演出,承办各种类型的舞蹈艺术赛事,各种类型的 PARTY等文化艺术交流活动。 面向未来,我校将在茹宝老师的舞蹈艺术引领下,培养出更多的高水平和顶级的舞蹈艺术人才。为推动舞蹈艺术的发展和世界舞蹈艺术的交流,不断地努力,创造更大的辉煌。
纽约茹宝舞蹈艺术学校地址:132-01 Roosevelt Avenue, 2 Fl, Flushing, NY 11354(天景豪苑Skyview 旁) 電話: 718-358-3903。 網址:WWW.RUDANCENY.COM 電郵:RUDANCENY@GMAIL.COM