
The sworn enemies of Europe’s central bankers include Vladimir Putin, covid-19 and, apparently, Beyoncé. All three have recently been blamed for hot inflation, but the American singer seems an unlikely macroeconomic force.
sworn enemies 指“不共戴天的敌人、死对头”。
X be blamed for Y 意思是“X是Y的罪魁祸首、X是Y的原因”,如:
A dropped cigarette is being blamed for the fire.
这两个因素共同引发了西方通货膨胀,导致欧洲央行一轮又一轮的加息,Vladimir Putin 和 covid-19 自然成了欧洲央行的死敌。
而文章后面又说,Beyoncé 也是通货膨胀的罪魁祸首之一,这是为什么呢?
Hotel prices surged in Sweden when 46,000 fans flocked to the capital, Stockholm, for the pop star’s tour in May. The country’s inflation hit 9.7% that month, higher than expected. “Beyoncé is responsible,” declared one local economist.
5月份,46,000名歌迷涌向瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩观看这位流行歌星的巡演,当地酒店价格出现激增。当月瑞典通货膨胀达到 9.7%,高于预期。一位当地经济学家宣称:“这种情况是碧昂丝造成的。”
surge 是“飙涨”的意思,相当于 increase quickly,也可以用 soar, shoot up, skyrocket 等替换,这些都是很常见的表达,要记住。
flock 作名词讲是“一群”,所动词 flock to 就是“成群结队地前往、蜂拥”,比如《经济学人》中层有篇文章讲到了中国人参观乐山大佛的场景,里面就用到了这个词:
Tourists are flocking once again to Leshan’s Buddha, some to seek peace and protection at its feet.
consumer-price index 是经济领域的一个专用术语,指“消费者物价指数”,简称 CPI,是衡量物价的一个重要指标。一般认为,CPI 处于 3%左右是合理的,过高则是经济过热、通货膨胀,过低则说明经济疲软,如果低于 0 则意味着经济衰退。
去年欧美很多国家的 CPI 达到了 10%,今年上半年中国 CPI 是 0.7%,每个国家都有自己的经济问题。
CPI 经常和 PPI 一起出现,PPI 全程是 Producer Price Index 生产者物价指数,也是衡量是否通货膨胀的一个指标,了解即可。
hit 这个词有很多含义和用法,在文中的用法是,「指标+hit+数字」,表示某个指标达到多少,比如:
Temperatures hit 40° yesterday.
昨天气温高达 40 度。
这里的 hit 也可以用 stand at 替换,区别在于,hit 偏向动态,能体现出达到的过程,而 stand at 偏静态,常翻译成“处于、位于”,如:
Interest rates stand at 3%.
利率为 3%。
文中 The country’s consumer-price index hit 9.7% 意思是:瑞典的消费者价格指数达到 9.7%。
higher than expected 指“高于预期”,也可以用 above expectations 表示,比如《经济学人》7月27日的 The world this week – business 中有段话讲到了美国经济:
The figure came in well above the expectations of most economists’ surveys.
Beyoncé is responsible,这有点像专家雷人语录,be responsible (for) 也是一个原因表达,可以和前面的 be blamed for 放在一起记忆。
Do superstar tours really spur inflation?
spur 表示“刺激、促进”,这个词我们在《日本排放核废水,日系护肤品还能用吗》一文中讲过,这里不再赘述,和前面的 be blamed for, be responsible for 使用语境相同,可以放在一起记忆。
In most cases, probably not. Inflation is calculated by comparing the prices of a basket of goods, rather than measuring sudden price rises in one sector, such as hotels.
因为通货膨胀衡量的是一篮子商品的价格(the prices of a basket of goods),而不是某类商品的价格(sudden price rises in one sector)。
随后作者举了霉霉的例子:霉霉在美国举行巡演,粉丝在门票上花费 6 亿美元,这是一个非常高的数字。但去年美国的消费支出达到了 7 万亿美元,6亿只占7万亿的一点点,所以,即使巡演使部分商品价格飞涨,但整体消费价格还是稳定的。
Pricier hotels may even be offset by falling costs elsewhere. To afford eye-wateringly expensive tickets (up to $899 for Ms Swift’s American tour), some fans will skimp on other treats, bringing down demand—and in theory prices—for those goods for a short time.
offset 是“抵消”的意思,可以用 balance out 替换,比如上游原材料涨价,商家会提高产品价格,以抵消增加的成本,我们可以说:
Prices have risen in order to offset the increased cost of materials.
This year’s profits will balance our previous losses.
eye-watering 是个很形象的词,意思是“极大的、超出想象的”,比如《经济学人》曾用这个词形容中国污染严重:
Something has been amiss recently in the city of Tangshan, the source of about one-tenth of China’s steel output and eye-watering levels of pollution.(amiss同wrong,表示“错误的”)
类似的还有 jaw-dropping,形容令人惊讶。
skimp 的意思是 to try to spend less time or money “节省,吝惜(时间、钱等)”,后面加介词 on,比如对于刚刚工作的毕业生而言,每月最大的开支就是房租了,为了交齐房租,很多人不得不省吃俭用,我们可以说:
Many graduates must skimp on their food and other necessities just to meet the monthly rent.
文中 skimp on other treats 可以理解成:在其它娱乐项目上节省支出。
bringing down demand 指“降低需求”,这里 bring down 是“降低”的意思,相当于 reduce.
For small countries, things may be different. They could see a small, temporary bump in inflation as a result of a huge tour, reckons Tony Yates, an economist formerly at the Bank of England.
They could see a small, temporary bump in inflation 中,they 指的是 small countries 小国。
bump 本是指 a small raised area on a surface “肿块”,肿块就是皮肤上增长出来的那部分,所以还可引申为“增加”,相当于 increase,看一个《经济学人》里的例句:
Unemployment is low and pay is starting to rise — Amazon this week announced big bumps in the minimum wages it pays American and British workers.
文中 temporary bump in inflation 意思是:通货膨胀短暂上扬。
In reality, thousands of Swifties are flying in from across the region, bringing a jolt of new demand and cash. That could throttle the supply of hotels, pushing up prices enough to cause a small bump in inflation. Locals may dip into savings, too, spending money intended for the future. That could also push up prices.
Swifties 指泰勒·斯威夫特粉丝。
jolt 指 a sudden rough movement,突然、剧烈的变动,如:
People felt the first jolt of the earthquake at about 8 a.m.
文中 bringing a jolt of new demand and cash 可以理解为:突然带来新的需求和现金,一下子带来很多需求和现金。
throttle 本义是“掐死”,同 strangle,但 throttle 常用作比喻,引申为“阻挡、阻碍”,如:
The city is being throttled by traffic.
America is making policies throttling China’s economies.
文中 throttle the supply of hotels 的意思是:抑制了酒店供应。
后面又跟了个 doing 形式的状语结构,补充结果:pushing up prices enough to cause a small bump in inflation 推高价格,足以使通货膨胀小幅上扬。
dip into savings 中,dip 是动词,指“蘸水、浸水”,如:
He dipped the brush into the paint.
dip into savings 或 break into savings 是固定搭配,表示“动用储蓄”,反义词是 tie up savings 不动用积蓄,如:
You get higher interest if you agree to tie up your savings for a long period.
spending money intended for the future 中,intended for the future是过去分词形式的后置定语,修饰 money,意思是“为未来打算的钱”。
spend money intended for the future 和前面的 skimp on 构成一组反义词。