
【社会职务】法国国际艺术家与设计师联合会 | 中国执行主席;
中国文化产业促进会-城市文化规划委员会 副会长;
中央美院继续教育学院 客座导师;
法国高等艺术学院 中国代表;
《艺术家地图》主编 ;
Executive Chairman, International Federation of Artists and Designers, | China; Vice President of Urban Cultural Planning Committee, China Cultural Industry Promotion Association; Visiting tutor, School of Continuing Education, Central Academy of Fine Arts; China Representative of Ecole des Arts Superieure de France; Editor, Artist Map; He graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts.
2023 自由的维度 当代艺术展 北京
2023“潮-自然回象” 当代艺术展 北京
2023 “潮-万物生”当代艺术展 北京
2022 自然的抽象 当代艺术展 北京
2022 中日水墨协会展 东京
2020「和」雕塑获法国INNDESIGN奖 法国梅斯
2019「和」雕塑获 法国国际艺术沙龙奖 法国巴黎
2019 时相-艺术 当代艺术展 北京
2018年 亚细亚国际美术交流展 韩国光州
2018年 全南-北京国际美术交流展 北京
2018年 新生-当代艺术邀请展 北京 重庆
2016「太极-和」雕塑日本武藏野美术大学收藏 东京
2015 入选法国国际艺术沙龙展 巴黎
2014 美国加州中国文化周 "蒙恬贝尔奖"美国加州
2014 阿联酋-迪拜“中国文化周” 阿联酋
1997 迎接香港回归书画展 辽宁
【 Exhibition 】
2023 Dimensions of Freedom Contemporary Art Exhibition Beijing
2023 “Tide – Natural Reflection” Contemporary Art Exhibition, Beijing
2023 “Tide – Living Things” Contemporary Art Exhibition, Beijing
2022 Nature’s Abstract Contemporary Art Exhibition Beijing
2022 China-Japan Ink Painting Association Exhibition, Tokyo
2020 “And” sculpture won the INNDESIGN Award in Metz, France
2019 “And” sculpture won the French International Art Salon Award in Paris, France
2019 Phase – Art Contemporary Art Exhibition Beijing
2018 Asia International Art Exchange Exhibition, Gwangju, South Korea
2018 Jeonnam – Beijing International Art Exchange Exhibition, Beijing
2018 Freshmen – Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition Beijing Chongqing
2016 “Taichi – Harmony” Sculpture, Musashino Art University, Tokyo, Japan
2015 Selected for the French International Art Salon Exhibition Paris
2014 California Chinese Culture Week “Montian Bell Award”, California, USA
2014 UAE-Dubai “Chinese Culture Week”
2013 The 3rd Artistic Conception · Chinese Artists Annual Exhibition Exhibition Hall of Chinese Calligraphy Academy
2012 The 2nd Artistic Conception · Chinese Artists Annual Exhibition, Chinese Calligraphy Academy Exhibition Hall
2011 The first Artistic Conception · Chinese Artists Annual Exhibition, Chinese Calligraphy Academy Exhibition Hall
1997 Welcome the return of Hong Kong calligraphy and painting exhibition Liaoning
Exhibition Preface
艺术作品是艺术家对宇宙的领悟与表达,将思想转化为另一种形式而存在,一切皆是精神意念的传递过程。艺术家之所以伟大,是因为其拥有独一无二的视觉维度,并自由地表达他所认知的这个世界。 没有艺术,只有艺术家。【贡布里希】 我们希望通过这个主题 ,发现掌握自由密码的艺术家。
Works of art are the artist’s understanding and expression of the universe, transforming thoughts into another form and existing, and everything is the transmission process of spiritual ideas. The artist is great because he has a unique visual dimension and freely expresses the world as he perceives it. There is no art, only artists. 【 Gombrich 】 We hope that through this theme, we will discover the artists who have mastered the free code.
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