享誉美国的眼科專家王明旭医生和Sight 电影受邀首次巡演俄亥俄大获成功 (5/24全美上演)
这是最近几周在中西部6州进行巡演的最后一站,行程包括:俄克拉荷马(Oklahoma)、圣路易斯(St Louis)、内布拉斯加(Nebraska)、爱荷华(Iowa)、维斯康星(Wisconcin)、和俄亥俄(Ohio)。
中国新年前一个星期,2月2日Deadline发表新闻,Angel Studio购买了Sight电影的版权,并且选择在美国亚裔月5月24日(国家纪念日周末)将在美国各地影院播放。 这对美国观众是一个大好消息,也意味王医生带着Sight 电影到全国各地给华人免费看电影的机会即将结束。已经在日历的各州仍然可以继续免费看,5月23日以后就不能免费看电影了。 所以请各地华裔观众抓紧这样百年不遇的好机会。
“Sight”荣获美国第五十届基督教国际电影节 (ICVM)最高奖:最佳故事片奖(best theatrical release movie) ! 这是华人在历史上第一次在此大奖得到提名并获奖,是我们华人的零的突破!
从2023年夏天全美各地华人中掀起看Sight 电影的热潮以来,王明旭医生带着Sight 电影开始了在全国各地的巡演和巡讲活动—Sight 电影全国行。 Sight电影是以中国科技大学77级校友王明旭医生的自传为原型改编的励志片。 这部影片是好莱坞第一部关于中国留学生的故事,获得了国际基督徒(ICVM)电影节头奖-Gold Award-Best Picture。
Thank you for answering my questions! I showed my mom the trailer, and when it was done, my mother just sat there. I said, “That’s just a little part of the movie.” My mom wasn’t there to see the movie. Then she said, “Kajah’s stepmother is evil. Pure evil.” I was like, “yeah, it said that in India, you get more money from blind kids, so Kajah’s stepmother just poured sizzling hot oil into her eyes. You can even hear screaming!” So then my mom quietly said, “See Kajah when she met Dr. Wang? She was smiling. Such a poor little child. We can all see, and we don’t appreciate things we already have. We always want more. You don’t realize how important something is until you lose it.” We had fun talking about it, so I said, “When Kajah’s eye surgery failed, Dr. Wand almost quit his career. But he persisted, and then came another kid named Maria.” While my mom listened, her eyes grew wide. “Did her surgery work?” She asked. It didn’t matter if it was a movie, a trailer, or nothing at all, my mom was really into it. It was like she could see the entire thing! “Just keep watching.” I urged. When it came to the part where Maria was like, “I’m so beautiful!” My mother’s face sprouted into a smile. I thought she was as happy as Maria! In the movie, when Maria’s eyesight was restored, you were smiling, and were almost crying! It was like a dream come true! Then you looked up, and saw Lili smiling at you. Then she ran down the stairs. It was her first time smiling, and not talking about darkness. When you said, “If we can help Kajah out of the darkness, maybe, we can help Lili out of her’s too.” I thought no matter who it was, Lili would be proud of you. When I was young, I said, “Mom! One day, I will go to Harvard!” Then my mother chuckled, and said, “I will smile in my sleep!” Now you’ve inspired me. I am already a Christian, I pray and read the bible, but you have inspired me more. Now I know more about Christ! Thank you so much for your help on blind orphan children, and your inspiration. And, thank you for spreading your word out in an awesome heartbreaking movie!