Wang told Kissinger it would be “impossible” to try to reform China, and “even more impossible” to encircle and contain it. (路透社)
It is impossible to try to transform China, and it is even more impossible to contain China.(《华盛顿邮报》)
It is not possible to try to change China, even less to contain or curb China. (彭博社)
“改造”二字值得探究。自19世纪以来,美国国内一直有人希望把中国“改造”成奉行基督文化的资本主义国家,这方面或明或暗的努力一直未间断。此种“改造”,挑明了说就是“remake China in its image”。从这个意义而言,《华盛顿邮报》的用词“transform”更贴切,因为“transform”指的是更彻底的改变,比如文化和制度。参见词典释义:
transform: to change the nature, function, or condition of (《美国传统词典》)
相比而言,“change”比较宽泛笼统,可深可浅。路透社的“reform”意思是”change for the better”,语义和文气都已偏离中文。
《华盛顿邮报》前驻京办主任约翰·庞弗雷特(John Pomfret)曾在《大西洋月刊》撰文指出(2019),美国一直想改造中国,但没想到的是,中国也能改造美国。
The love of God is less real than the love of profit.